The V.D. (Volunteer Department) on the island seeks new recruits to assist with various projects.
- “Priority assistance is sought to finish laying the runway at Sammy’s new airstrip,” said V.D. spokesperson Woodworm Willie.
Controversy still surrounds the airstrip project, officially known as The Strip Club. “The Strip Club has been inundated with insurance and funding problems, following Cyril Nosecone’s crash, and complaints are still forthcoming from the Ladies’ Church Guild. Since the disappearance of Mad Dolly and her three twin sisters, who were expelled from the Dunvegan Retirement Home for illicit gambling practices and for distilling gin in the hot water bottle cupboard, the Guild still insists that The Strip Club is harboring these refugees from Skye, exploiting the biddies as sex slaves,” said Willie. “Meanwhile, our Strip Club volunteers have been spread thin and we have an approaching completion deadline of March 18th, the day of the local air show.”
He continued, “Over the next few days, we need muscular guys to help expand the V.D. by laying and spreading over as many spots as possible along at the Strip Club."
- Clinical trial volunteers are also needed to ingest some of Torquil’s clapdarnach incense cones. “We are currently printing new labels for marketing and we still can’t decide whether to type “Harmful when swallowed” or “Fatal when swallowed,” said Woodworm.
- Lastly, a Time Capsule Project has been proposed by the Rev. Hellman Brimstone, an avid follower of T.V. series Star Trek. “Suggestions are needed for items to be placed inside a time capsule,” said Woodworm Willie. Imaginative suggestions can be given left in the comment section below.