Jean at the woolshop and my good self have spent all day posting warning signs along the coastal beaches.
Our worse fears have been realized. It is true – Daft Uidean is indeed part amphibian. We had always wondered about his webbed fingers and toes.
The day that Daft Uisdean abandoned, Dougal, his wheelbarrow in the woods, he ran towards the call of the sea. Local reporter, William Watcher, said today in the Island Times, "He only surfaces to flash his underpants and to scare the shell-seekers."
If you see Daft Uisdean, do not approach him.
A handsome reward has been offered for his capture.
I've been writing cheques to Uisdean for the past months you mean to tell me I've been subsidising an aquarium - as well as everything else!
Hullo there, Cyril - Does that mean your cheque account has gone into 'liquidation'?
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