Well, I thought my sporran was stuck on the steering wheel, so I pulled back on it and now I'm stuck up here. Lovely view of the clouds, and that, but I'm near running on empty.
How do I get down again? Help?
Oh, and can I chew on one of those pork chops on the back seat? There's still some good meat left on the bone that you missed.
OK Torquil I understand....
you have three options.
first, keep the speedo at about 110 mph all the time if you dip the nose you'll find she'll go faster - eventually you'll hit, sorry land on St Kilda...
second option is run out of petrol and pull in somewhere and phone the AA.
Third option if you run out of petrol and go faster downward...repeat after me..."our father, who art in heaven etc etc..
But there is an ejector seat on the passenger side, it means shifting over a wee bit just like you did in the Morris Minor in the old days when ye moved onto the passenger seat. Pull the leaver which says "do not pull while the aircraft is in flight" - you'll go through the roof and land somewhere - to save a taxi fare you should eject somewhere nearer home. On this occasion I'll not report the aircraft as stolen.
and clean the seat when you're done..
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