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Email the show at - highlandisland@verizon.net
(Run time is about 27.5 minutes. File size is about 12.5 MB)
P.S. Please let me know if Jean sounds like a chipmunk in the streaming version. She is allergic to chipmunks.
quite good jean. you're a bit crazy aren't you? where is your accent from and what sports will hamish be talking about next week? haggis hunting?
well well well, what a splendid afternoon I had at my beach house in Mombassa listening to lovely day radio. My investors in my wee safari project are very keen to talk to Jean...WE're thinkin kind of safari breakfast show here.I think it was the ethnicity that did it for them. People could listen in their four wheel drives as they try to avoid the hippos. By the way, I've bought a jet now a wee lear jet..tell sammy and roderrick they'll need to lengthen the runway
I am very hurt because I haven't been asked onto Jean's show yet. And me the main undertaker on the island, too!!! Well we'll just have to be remembering my absence when it comes time for embalming, won't we? Humph!
Cyril, Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your hippos. I'm having trouble with my lego - can't find the corner pieces.
Sammy says you need to fly home via Cuba and get him some good cigars, if you want the runway lengthening. And he likes Jamaican rum, since you're in the approximate vacinity.
Hurry home, we're about to chose some more Christmas lights from my friend in Amsterdam. He has lots of them on the back of his lorry.
ﺈﯿﯚﭾ סּצּﮇﮇﯤﯼﯥﺎ
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