Programme Two of Lovely Day Radio can now be downloaded to your ears.
Running Time = 34.09 mins
File size = 27.3 MB
Drum roll please.......
Tune in here --->
Enjoy the show and don't forget to send your comments to Jean. She loves to hear from all her listeners.
"Ah'll kill [Daft Uisdean] that wee webbed-toed freak! If ah ever catch him in ma nets again I'll use him as creel bait!
Ah'm all angry now! I'll need tae take some of ma special medicine tae calm down for ma Coaching session with the Clapdarnach Cup Under-11's Mixed Abilities Fitba' Team. We're practicing diving and eye-gouging toninght. Now where's that six-pack of Special Brew...?"
Good job with the show, Jean. Youre off the hook now and all is forgiven.
We would like to invite Annie, and her trombone, to star as our guest-of-the-week player when we tour Bulgaria next month. It would be such an honor to have her play along with our band. How do we contact her?
Excellent programme chaps, however I've abandoned the plane for a while and have bought a Morris Minor, I'm outside Paris at the moment to I take a left or right at the big tower...
Looks like The Nosecones have a french tour coming up in the autumn
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