Daft Uisdean, eager to profit from highly inflated house values in the Highlands, is selling his house "The Bare Butt n' Ben."
He states, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase a cottage with character. Decorated to high standards throughout, this charming one-room abode is steeped in history. The interior walls are adorned with newspapers dating as far back as 1976 and, of course, Sydney Devine personally signed the inside window pane during his 1984 Island Tour. It says, “Get Help! Sydney Devine is being held captive in here." I let him go after a few weeks, though.”
He added, “Garden extends to .007 acres. Offers over 100,000.”
I offer 100,000 roubles
100,000.00 RUB (Russia Rubles) = 1,977.56 GBP (United Kingdom Pounds)
Cyril, that might be a problem, as Daft Uisdean paid out more than that in fines for capturing Syndney Devine! He says he wants the money to travel to Wisconsin. He wants to learn to be a horse whisperer, so that he can communicate with his donkey, Mustapha.
Deal or no deal
Daft Uisdean says "Deal." He says you are now the proud owner of a donkey, too, then.
Mustapha, meet your new Dad, Cyril.
"Hee Haw!"
will you throw in a run way instead of the donkey, I won't be around much to look after it, is there a donley creche anywhere that could look after it part of the year...
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