Thursday, December 14, 2006

REGRETS from Jean

Hello there readers. It’s Jean here from the woolshop, again.

I would just like to explain my regrets to the Polish bridesmaids, why I was unable to fulfill their order for six dozen pairs of one-size-fits-all, crotchless, hand-knitted, bikini pants in Sirdar Double knitting, racy green, fashioned with a number 10 knitting needle.

If I were to accept the job to make all these crotchless, hand-knitted, bikini pants, I would be doing a great disservice to Agnes Joy at the laundry, whose livelihood depends on scrubbing gussets.

It has been explained to me in no uncertain terms that if substantial quantities of gussets were to suddenly drop, then Agnes Joy’s services would no longer be required.

I do hope the Polish ladies understand.




Anonymous said...

Ez ok Mrs Jean, the wedding ez been postponed & also I am lost my passport.
Maybe we get pole dance job in Oban, or some light housekeeping.
Thankyou for the deodorant

Torquil Mor said...

Hello there Miss Esanemski, my good friend (but not that good, you understand). Did you find your passport, yet? Sorry, we can't give you any lighthouse keeping job just now, not until we find the light house. I'm sure you'd be very off the cuff at whipping the place into shape and tieing up all the loose ends, though, so we'll be in touch (not physically you understand) as soon as we find the lighthouse. Have you considered MayPole dancing? You won't need the thigh boots, though. No, a bit too clumsy for some light May prancing, I fear. Just remember to keep using the deoderant like Jean showed you, though. Up and down, with even strokes, until all your oxter hair is thickly coated, okay?