Wullie Spanners was out at the rock, where the lighthouse used to be, and has confirmed that there is definitely no lighthouse there.
(I hope you don't mind me using your photo, Wullie?)
As everyone knows, Wullie Spanners is a reputable second hand car salesman and, despite a few pending court cases, would never intensionally sell you a lemon, short change his customers, alter milometers, switch number plates and re-spray stolen vehicles, or possess a cooking whisky still in the shed behind the garage.
Wullie, my friend, I'm needing a nice motorbike with a sidecar so that I can take mother and a couple of my best ewes on a wee holiday next summer. Can you keep your eye out for me?
It is with great joy that when I arrived in my sitting room this morning, the ashes from the fire were everywhere and it became obvious that someone had climbed down my chimney...and....low and behold right ther ein my living room was...the Lighthouse and four replacement sausages...now...any volunteers to get it back to where it belongs..to this end I've set up an organisation called..DSOYAAD
pronounced DEE SOY ADD - translate into dinny sit on yer arse all day. I'll be available tomorrow to get the hoose oot of ma hoose..
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