He is appealing for help from the general public to provide donations of petrol, firelighters, home-made napalm incendiary devices, WWII hand grenades, cluster bombs, flamethrowers and matches, together with any excess wood, nails and building tools required to rebuild a replica of the notable building. A charity raffle will be held to decide who lights the match at the crime scene reconstruction, with proceeds being donated to the ladies’ church guild knitting circle.
Meanwhile, please take a careful look at the ashes pictured below. If anyone can recognize the notable building from these ashes, please call the local police station, as PC Dunnett has not yet been able to identify the notable building or its location.

1 comment:
Hello Torquil, please tell PC Dunnett that the notable building destroyed recently by some twisted firestarter may actually have been the Lighthouse, as it hasnt been seen since July.
Last thing I knew about it was meeting with a apparently confused yet happy looking Dutch gentleman who was enquiring as to whether I had a light. Do you know what - strangely I cant remember anything after that until three days later.
Strange eh?
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