Sunday, September 13, 2009

Scottish Highland Island Tourist Enterprise

In a recent meeting at the Dangly Crystal Balls Dance Hall, the ladies of the church knitting guild decided to form a volunteer tourist information group, calling themselves the Scottish Highland Island Tourist Enterprise.

S.H.I.T.E. will be available down at the Dangly Crystal Balls Dance Hall from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. and from 3 p.m. until 4 p.m., Monday to Friday to coincide with the arrival of the morning and afternoon ferry. Initially the service will be available only during the busy tourist season.

Members of S.H.I.T.E. elected Edith Twatt as chief coordinator, due to her extensive experience designing and erecting signposts in the Orkney isles. Edith is picutred here beside one of her self penned autobiographical signs. Well done Edith!


Hamish the Bearded Clam Diver said...

Hullo there,

Ah've just got back from mah travels around Europe. Had a wee bit of trouble though and ended up in one of those special hotels wi' bars across the windows.

Anyway, as I got off the Ferry, some Twatt ran up tae me and said that seeing as though I'd had trouble being in-continent, could I help her with her S.H.I.T.E.?

Ah know ah was the Island vet for a wee bit, but ah think this might be a bit out of mah league.

Torquil Mor said...

Hello there my good friend Hamish, I'm so glad that you received the hack saw that I sent. If you're finished with it, could you leave it on the back porch next time you pass the croft -- awful handy for tackling mother's baking.

Och dinnae worry worry about Edith. Her Ma's from Colonsay, and semi-Colonsay folk always have a dot oot of place.

Anyway, Hamish I'm glad you're back in the continent. I have this buisness idea about using clams as earmuffs and need a word in your shell-like.

Your good pal Torquil