According to the ladies of the Free Church Knitting Guild, Eric emigrated. Is this Eric posing in the raw for dollar bills?
Knitting Guild spokesperson, Hughina-Williamina, said, "Local MacPaparazzi photographer, Kenny the Flasher, also claims to have caught images of Eric and Hilda bording the ferry in a sporty, blue Aston Martin, registration number EBY 776J. Kenny said that there was no mistaking Eric, who was driving, but Hilda was harder to identify due to a white wedding veil, which covered her face."
For Buddhas sake! Someone tell that Kenny the Flasher bloke from MacPaparazzi that if his nose grows any more he'll need a tripod to hold it up. Everyone kens that EBY 776J was driven by HRH Prince Willy and his bird, on loan from his old man. (I mean the car was on loan from his old man, not the bird. The old man has a bird of his own, or is it a horse? I dunno, its one of the two.)
From an on-looker with a stickler for detail!
Eric has an awfy hairy back!
I'm trying to think if I've seen him before.
Very familiar....
Big Maggie-Anne
I think Eric was playing postman's knock with me at the dementia memory group games day, over at the Dangly Crystal Ball Dance Hall last Thursday. I distinctly remember running my fingers through his back hair...or was I stroking a horse....or was it Tuesday...who stole my cheese sandwich...Is that you, Edith?...what?
My name is, eh, em...
I heard, on sound authority, according to the Ladies of the Free Church Guild Knitting Circle, that Wullie Spanners... is Eric!
This sounds like an excuse for a PARTY, after all we did just vote for a party. Most fortuitous timing for the fresh batch of cooking whisky, I don't suppose a fresh batch of clapdarnach wine was made at the same time? It doesn't matter if it's a bitty generous on the clapdarnachs just so long as they weren't collected whilst still green, I'm sure we all remember the "incident" with the fishnet stockings and the green clapdarnach wine...nasty!!
Best regards,
Fiona and her paintings
Party.....Someone mention a Party?.....I'm yer man !!!...Ma best boilersuits back fae detox an I'll even have a bath whether I need one or not...BY THE WAY...whats all this aboot me havin' an un-natural amount o' back hair? I'll have you know I am renowned fae havin' a particularly low backhair count fae a man o' my phisique an' maturity, an' if ye dinnae believe me yer most welcome tae count 'em. (usual terms and conditions apply)
Can someone please explain to Big Maggie Ann that when voting for a party, the total number of x's received relates to the number of people who have voted for a party and NOT how x rated the party should be!
Your very good friend, Torquil
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