Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Success for Hazy Dizzylady

Following the recent recognition of her poetry, Hazy Dizzylady is now officially Bard from the Highland Island (and most of the local pubs).

Hazy's poems are currently being uploaded and can be viewed at


Anonymous said...

Ma tha gaol agad air rud, leig mar sgaoil e; ma thilleas e, tha e leat-sa gu siorruidh, mur a till, cha robh e an dàn dhut.
= if you love something, let it go free: if it returns, it is yours forever, if it does not return, it was not fated for you.
I would be inclined to say "cha robh e riamh an dàn dhut" - it was never fated for you - just for the rhythm of the sentence.

Torquil Mor said...

Dear not-very-anonymous-because-Daft-Uisdean-checked-your-ip-address-your-internet-supplier-phone-connection-town-etc, Hello there!
The Highland Island Council on Copyright Protection, has found you guilty of incorrect cutting and pasting. Inselstricken, your source and the original translator of this saying, intended the final sentence as ‘their adaptation’ for the improvement of the rhythm of the sentence. We hereby find you guilty of claiming the translation and said additional improvement as your own work. (ie, it was Inselstricken who replaced the phrase “robh e” with the phrase “robh e riamh” thereby changing ‘not’ to ‘never’.) Our ‘sentence’ for incorrect or illegal cutting and pasting is to serve an 8 week apprenticeship in the Artful, Crafty and Designing Dept. of Pinocchio’s Fabrication Yard, in order to improve your cutting, pasting and remaining anonymous skills.

Haste ye back but cheerby for now then,


The Highland Island Bard

Anonymous said...

I was talkin to Simon Bowel and he reckons we can get the poetry matched to a dance routine with Ruby Hazelnut and turn it into a Couplet Salsa Show together with The Red
Cyril Nosecone

Anonymous said...

Got de gas bill in today...poetry, dancers...I feel a series of new paintings coming on. I will call them my De gas period.
Fiona and her new paintings.

Torquil Mor said...

Great idea, Cyril. Sorry about the shocking revelation of my sex change, Cyril. I couldn't live in a man's body and be Torquil any longer. I had to break free. Kilts werenae good enough. I had to wear dresses, do my hair up and ... och you know...start over as a real woman.

Anyway, yes, get Simon Bowel on board. I'll get Ruby to practice her best moves. I just don't quite know how to break the news of my new-found womanhood to her. She'll be awfy upset. I think she had a bit of a shine for me as Torquil.

Yup, lets get the red barrows on the road!

Your good friend, Hazy Dizzylady

Torquil Mor said...

Dear Fiona and her paintings, It's Hazy Dizzylady here, live from an undercover location on mainland Shieldaig.

I just tried spray painting with 'de gas' cylinders - racehorses, too! The jockey wasn't too pleased at having to wait for his pink horse to dry.

Glad you like my poetry. Your turn is coming....

Anonymous said...

Dierdre from Ardbroath has a three year old irish niece and she would want to know what they did with your "line" if you've been on the table with a conversion kit. I'm proud Torq..I didn't think yud have the balls to do it.
Cyril Nosecone

Torquil Mor said...

Ma Good Pal Cyril, Thanks for your support mate. There's a wee problem with the "equipment". It's in the hands of a reliable local taxidermist. Daft Uisdean said he delivered it in a bucket of ice yesterday morning and the trainee taxidermist put it in the freezer next to a squirrel.
You did say THREE year old, didn't you? It's not stuffed teddy bears we're talking here...
Torquil, I mean Hazy Dizzylady

Anonymous said...

Ya see, she has a wee three year cousin and hes a boy and when hes on the potty she comments joyfully about his "line"

Truely...just like Sunday mornin

Torquil Mor said...

Och for-goodness-sake, Cyril. It'll be the line of coke that their snorting if they are only three. That's all. We have a more serious problem here Cyril. You know that I said Daft Uisdean gave it to the taxidermist? The daft sod gave it to a taxi driver instead. My tadger could be anywhere now... anywhere!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear - now that you mention it - there was something hanging from the rear view mirror of the taxi that took me out the M8 til the airport yesterday...but it had a tattoo on it...

Torquil Mor said...

Hello there my good friend, Cyril,

It's marker pen.

Did it look like this...

" cut here--------> "