Would the island ferry please return to the terminal, to undergo Health and Safety checks.
It appears that your vessel is springing leeks, which can be collected from the lost property box at the local Police Station.
PC Hugh Dunnett has made the following statement. "Please note that the 'cell by' date on the leek is about to expire."
Is Hughie missing some stock?
Just a thought.
Fiona and her Spring paintings looking forward to the year ahead.
PS Did you hear what that dreadful man Spanners sold Woodworm Willie, fear not about the previous post, that's the spare, anyway the ladies down the circle were quite animated when they heard the latest bulletin.
Es serio? No!~ Es no posible!
Aye, Aye, Aye, here we go again......Its knock old Spanners time again.
Well I'll have ye know Woodworms' one o' ma best pals....we spent a couple o' weeks or so celebratin' New Year at the lockin at the Pier Hotel an' I had this great idea....BOGOF
Aye BOGOF....Buy one o'ma sublime used cars an get a free unicycle !
Been wonderin whit tae do wi yon 20 unicycles I got fae ma cousin Billy Spanners Circus.
Anyroad....Willy liked the idea an so tae celebrate the reopenin o the garage after the New Year break on the 25th January we worked out all the publicity shite an in gratitude I let Woodworm have yon beautiful Humber Super Snipe funeral limousine (which Daft Uisdean lovingly repainted in high gloss black Dulux) for five hundred quid an threw in a FREE UNICYCLE.
Now I must admit we'd had a few (bottles) an it all seemed a good idea at the time....picture the scene...A somewhat inebriated undertaker wi' a wooden leg disappearin' at high speed doon Lavvy Lane on a unicycle singin' Anarchy In The UK......well I did the only decent thing I could do under the circumstances....I went back to the pub.
An if yon gossipy auld bats fae the knittin' circle have a problem wi that then they can visit us at the garage where Uisdean has a very special New Year BOGOF prepared for 'em.
I'm thinking...so I am
Hullo Wullie Spanners ma good pal, so you are, Hey Wullie I have to say I’m awful impressed with the way you shifted all those unicycles on to B.T. How did you manage to persuade them to trade in their B.T. works vans for unicycles? Must admit, its great to see them travel from job to job up on the telephone wires. And, since the Polish Pole-dancing bridesmaids donated the balance poles, they’re getting the hang of it, so they are. Okay, so there’s been one fatality but that’s good for Woodworm Willie’s undertaking business. And, when the family of mourners see how you’ve cleverly converted a unicycle to lower the coffin, they’ll be so… well all I can say is that Daft Uisdean will make a fabulous ‘cycling-coffin-lowerer’. He’s having a bath now in preparation and mother’s boiling his Sunday underpants in the soup pan as I speak. Any more craic Wullie?
Aye...I'm no as green as I'm cabbage lookin' so I am......Seein' all yon BT engineers unicyclin' along the telephone wires....a sight tae behold so it is....an' no a carbon footprint between the lot o'em....Oh joy....the gullibility o' the big corporation when ye pull the old eco-card outae the pack ! Now then....how aboot one o' they beautiful low mileage, one owner, silver grey Ford Transits that I'm privilaged tae offer my discerning customers...........
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