As you are aware, Crawford Minty will be “The Bachelor” in our upcoming competition. In (desperate) hope of finding a bride for Crawford, the Minty family, gentry from ‘The Big Hoose’, asked me to publish a photo of their suave and pedigreed son, posing in his more elegant years.
Ladies, Gentlemen, Daft Uisdean and Readers ...may we present to you
Ladies, Gentlemen, Daft Uisdean and Readers ...may we present to you
- The Bachelor -
Crawford Minty

COR! Let me get my tooth into that man. I'd like to get minty with him, so I would. Is it too late to sign up as a contestant for the show, Torquil?
Calm that tooth down, Big Maggie Ann. It's just a sample taste, woman. There is more of Minty to come yet, so be prepared to brace yourself. Show some restraint now. Good girl. That's it...easy...
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