Since there's a full moon looming around the corner, Jean and Daft Uisdean thought that some of you might be inspired to put your creative talents to use.
If you wish to audition for a part as one of the Three Wise Men in the Ladies Church Guild nativity play, please complete the following IQ test.
In the comments section below - Submit a suitable lyric so that the Glenpuddle and Munro First Crofters Brass Ensemble, est 1862, can compose a new Christmas carol.
Yes, the winning entry will not only ensure that you get through to the finals of the auditions for a part as one of The Three Wise Men but the chosen lyric will be given a wonderful accompanying melody, composed by Annie.
The new Christmas carol will then be sung and played live on Lovely Day Radio.
Here's my entry, Torquil. I would have finished it but I had too many cooking whiskies. You understand, right? I wrote it during the night shift yesterday. (The sheep are fine by the way, all grinning this morning.)
Oh chilly night
My foot is bloody freezing
Up on the hill
I’m guarding Torqil’s sheep
Coz we dinnae trust the tourists
Aye, that’s right
Oh chilly night
I think I hear commotion
O’er by the pen
I’m searching for ma torch
But I left it in the hearse now
Aye, I did
Oh chilly night
I’m hearing footsteps running
Across the field
My wooden leg is missing
And my spare one’s at the woolshop,
Aye, it is
Oh chilly night
Och, I’ll just be having a dram then,
Down the hatch
This cooking whisky’s awful
It’s made from boiled clapdarnachs
Aye, that’s right
Good effort Willie. I think you need to finish that one because it has potential.
Did you get your leg back, or are yoy wearing the spare one?
please enter my full name and phone number and references from ma wife's previous employer and ma granny's signed witness statement into the competition. ma address is c/o the dolly lodger, tied to the second bollard, down at yon ferry terminal that yer always wittering on aboot.
there once wuz a shepherd frae Kilmarnock
wi' an old-fashioned crook and a farm smock
and a grand pair of wellies
but they were all smelly
from walking all day on clapdarnachs
Very creative, Roger. I can hear Annie in the background trying to see if she can bend a few notes around that one. We'll let you know, but well done.
silent night - foggy night
forty highlanders board a flight
Up to Cape Wrath then round to the right
Down past Wick and then we will alight
We will eat our piece
We will eat our piece
Dierdre from Ardbroath
Oh Dierdre, I think you have a winner there. Annie's trombone fired up the minute she read it.
Thats no fair if Dierdre gets to be a wise man. Can i be an angel then. Awe go on yersel. Why not? I'll shave my legs
The first Noel
he was a coward
he wasnae too well
his cactus had flowered
the second was Edmonds
and he had a beard
just like the poor shepherd
whose sheep he had sheared
Now all on his todd
he's back in his jersey
and praise be to god for
small ferries and merseys
and to Dolly the sheep
whose lambs have no dad
and little bo peep
whose love life is sad
Hello there Duncan, my good friend. Now don't be going to all the trouble of shaving your legs now. Wait till the spring and we'll fit you in when we're doing the sheep. Aye, don't be othering now.
Oh Big Murdo, my good friend! Outstanding work, there. Just outstanding work!
Aye, you just got in there in the nick of time, so you did, because Jean and Annie were about to chose a winner.
Your entry has definitely swayed their decision and I think you're in with an awfully good chance of winning, too.
Best of luck to all of you, as I know you'll now be waiting in anticipation.
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