Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Some entries from Cyril Nosecone and Deirdre from Arbroath

Cyril and Deirdre submitted this fabulous 'untitled' clapdarnach photo to our competition. For the purpose of easy identification, Jean has given it the temporary title of "Short but Sweet".

Their second entry, which Jean has temporarily named "Light Southerly Breeze", is also a spledid shot.

Good luck, Cyril and Deirdre!


Anonymous said...

I like ma own the best and it shud win nea bother.

Torquil Mor said...

Dear Dear Deirdre, settle down now. Breathe in from the abdomen and breathe out through the mouth slowly. Count to ten and do it again. All in good time.

Anonymous said...

hey wee man - are you pasturising me?

Torquil Mor said...

Dear Dear Deirdre, Sorry to hear that you've been pasturised. I hope it didnae smudge your lipstick again.

We're still waiting for the photo of the Iron-age clapdarnach, until then just keep your mind on the knitting - k1 p2, k1 p2, k1 p2 and cast off.