Sunday, December 18, 2005

EMERGENCY LANDING - Clear the Runway!

Was it a bird? No, it was Cyril, and there was smoke belching from the back of his plane. "Come in Cyril," I shouted. "Cyril, are you there?" And thankfully I got a reply. He'd left the controls chist for a moment, because his pizza was burning. Don't you chist hate that? One minute you're flying along over the Isle of Skye, whistling merrily and looking forward to a slice of pizza, and the next minute you've burned the dinner. I'm sure we can all relate to that.

Well now, our Cyril was running out of fuel, but Cyril, being the perfectionist he is, managed to take her round one last time so that he could clean up the blackened cheese with a brillo pad and do a wee bit of spring cleaning. Aye, he looks just smashing in that new knitted apron with the matching duster.

Anyway, enough about fashion trends... I'm wondering if you're okay Cyril? Sammy misjudged the length of the runway a bit. Perhaps we need to make it more than 100 yds after all. The big pothole at the start didn't help either, did it?

Chist you keep ahold of that big log. Keep kicking your legs, too, and we'll send Maggie Ann out with the boat to pick you up.

PC Hugh Dunnett is preparing one of his speciality cucumber bubble baths for you and Jean has put the kettle on.

Magnus is asking, did the fax paper get wet?


Anonymous said...

Torquil, I've lost the oars. Do you or Willie have them?

Torquil Mor said...

Improvise, Maggie Ann! Use a shovel.

Anonymous said...

Who built the holiday hoose at the end of the runway......I'm on the sofa here trying to get a picture on the tele and the planes in pieces all over the floor. Ring the insurers and tell Reverend Hellman that it was an act of God.....any word of "the lad"

Torquil Mor said...

I rang the man at Prudential and now he's asking about the open air gig at the cow sheds, again. He says he'll only insure the gig if you agree to pilot error and not an act of God. This could be a sticky one, Cyril. Can you fix the plane yourself, for the sake of the gig?

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll go with pilot error but that hoose wasn't there the last time. Only two days to go to the gig - I'll publish a rough timetable over on Douglas Mcleans page to see if we can talk him into doing a wee party piece?

Torquil Mor said...

Thanks Cyril. It would be grand if Douglas MacLean could join the Ambrosia Taggart Singers on backing vocals for a wee number from Isabela Lilias Ann MacCafferty's new musical, 'Baw Heid'. It's the 2005 sequel to the 60s hit musical 'Hair'.