Monday, May 08, 2006

Eavesdropping by Woodworm Willie

I’ve been watching the croft for Torquil, since it’s clapdarnach gathering week. His mother sent me with a line to do the messages. (For those of you south of the Highland line, that means she gave me a grocery list to take to the shop.)

Now that we’ve clarified where I was going, I'm going to have to tell you what I saw and heard as I was passing the police station.

PC Hugh Dunnett was escorting a very scruffy, bearded individual into the station. I’ve never seen the man on the island before, he was a newcomer, so in the interests of public safety I had to investigate.

By an open window at the back of the station, I crouched down and took notes.

The two men sat at a table in the interview room, joined later by Murdo the Bobby from the mainland. (This must be a big case!)

PC Hugh Dunnett switched on a tape recorder. He said the time was 3 pm and gave the names of all three present. Then, the interview began.

As soon as I type out my notes, I’ll upload them to this blog. Back in a wee bitty.

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