Sunday, April 08, 2007


*URGENT NEWS FLASH* Two more people have vanished from the Dangly Balls Geriatric Home - the twins Morag Ness and Agnes More vanished during hygiene hour again. Charge Nurse Sponge Bath Square Bob is now being questioned by PC Hugh Dunnett.

Earlier today, Fred Twitters took some photographs of the outside of the Hygiene Room and Bath house.


Anonymous said...

Aye, Listen Up Everyone....Spanners here. Jist been speakin' tae P.C Hugh Dunnett an he tells me my twin aunties, Morag Ness and Agness More are the latest old codgers to go missing frae yon Dangly Wossnames place. Now Hugh and missel' both agree that finding them might be difficult; they're just a couple of ordinary old dears who would blend into any crowd. To help the search I've put a fairly recent photo on my site....please feel free to distribute it to anyone who might have seem them. They do have a couple of unusual characteristics which I will reveal to anyone who thinks they've spotted 'em.

Torquil Mor said...

Good photo, Wullie! They've both gained about 80lb each since then, though, and Agnes has a prosthetic nose.