Thursday, October 26, 2006


“It” has been driving me crazy for years now. Yes, I woke up this morning depressed about “it” again, so I’m finally going to do something about “it.”

You see ever since school I’ve been “it.” I was tagged just before the bell rang on the last day of school in primary six. After the summer, when I joined primary seven, the headmaster told us we were a bunch of rowdy tattiebogles, “Enough of your running about,” he said. “Walk, don’t run.” And, so that was “it.” I was doomed to be left in a state of “it” for ever more.

I’ve since dragged my feet through life, chin on my chest, wondering what to do about “it.” The older and taller I grew, the harder "it" became to get rid of “it.’

So, after another restless night, I came to a decision. If you are still reading this, then…

Tag! You’re “it!”

(Whew, that feels like an enormous weight has been lifted off my shoulders.)


Anonymous said...

Tag - you're it again Torquil

Anonymous said...

You not say what this it is. I get angry now. My mother in Puerto Rico, she mucho confused. She want to know what it is.

Torquil Mor said...

Here you go Julio, "Tag, you're it". Now you can see for yourself what "it" is.