Sunday, August 22, 2010

Emergency Meeting of The Island’s Roads and Planning Department

An emergency public meeting of The Island’s Roads and Planning Department has been called for Thursday night at 7.30 pm down at the Ferry Terminal.

The business in hand concerns planning applications from 1) Muddy Brown and 2) Wullie Spanners. Detailed plans are available to view at The Wool Shop.

In summary, Muddy Brown and Wullie Spanners both propose to purchase the same prime site of real estate (the Ladies toilets down at the Ferry Terminal) and have entered into a bidding war to obtain the property.

Muddy Brown, owner of Brown’s Art Emporium, recently submitted plans to The Island’s Roads and Planning Department for an extension to the property for sale (involving an underground tunnel connecting this property to a sister site in France), and a proposed change-of-name from “Ladies’ Loos” to “Muddy’s Loovre”.

Wullie Spanners, local garage owner, who has always spoken out about the need for “a hot dog stall an' extra fast food boutique fae the towrists” has also submitted plans for extension to the property (involving a speedy underground tunnel connecting this property to Murdina’s Butcher’s shop), and a proposed change-of-name from “Ladies’ Loos” to “Wullie’s Quick In and Out Sausages”.

The Island’s Roads and Planning Department decided to put both applications to a public vote, before deciding whether to grant planning permission to either Mr Brown or Mr Spanners.

Comments and objections welcome below, in the comments section.


Anonymous said...

Thon Wullie Spanners' sausage is always going in and oot at thon Wifies' bogs, so I heard doon at the knitting circle.

(Did I do well, Annie? Did I spread a good malicious lie, there, Ladies? Do I get my golden knitting needle now?)

wulliespanners said...

I'll give ya Golden Knittin' Needles so I will, ye gossippy auld ratbag....theres many a lassie doon yon dames khazi wid be glad o'a quick sausage so there is....King size an'succulent...nae weiners !