Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rhubarb Murdo's Big Hacking Scandal

The Island’s media mogul, CEO of The Highland Island’s News Corporation, Rhubarb Murdo, has been arrested in connection with a hacking scandal.

As the last edition of News of The Highland Island went to press, Rhubarb Murdo was being questioned by PC Hugh Dunnett, down at the police station in connection with several hacking incidents at Murdina’s Butcher Shop.

“I was only trying to help her chip the ice away from the big freezer door,” said Rhubarb Murdo.

The investigation continues…


Anonymous said...

Its true! Rhubarb Murdo is innocent. Save Rhubarb Murdo. Save Rhubarb Murdo.Save Rhubarb Murdo.Save Rhubarb Murdo.Save Rhubarb Murdo.Save Rhubarb Murdo.Save Rhubarb Murdo.Save Rhubarb Murdo.Save Rhubarb Murdo.Save Rhubarb Murdo.Save Rhubarb Murdo.Save Rhubarb Murdo and The News of The Highland Island.

Anonymous said...

very very interesting - I was wonderig why the Sun was scarce round the island this summer.
cyril nosecone
PS: is it true he printed THAT story about your dug having scabies